


我以前講過,不能把我和山中扯在一起談,他在山之中,雲深不知處,我只在山腳爬,望塵莫及。D君說山中是「高手之中的高手, 高人之中的高人」,我完全同意。我佩服山中,但沒有接納他一切觀點,我們並非Siamese Twins,雖然有時有mental telepathy。敬重不等如盲從,他不是上帝,我不是信眾。我多次向讀者推薦山中,希望讀者看高層次的東面,但我從沒叫大家,沐浴更衣,焚香跪拜。只有迷信政治人物的愚民,才會這樣做。在此也呼籲大家到爲何沒有大罷工?處,填了山中的問卷。

我為甚麼要貼這電郵出來呢?理由有幾個。Selina在 笑話一則的留言 裏講後悔沒有入行,認為做律師才是她那杯茶。看到D君認同我小說中講「揾食」艱難,Selina可能慶幸沒有入行,這杯茶如果是稻粱謀,其實可以是冬天的冰水。D君在司法機構工作過之後才私人執業,總算認識一把律師,尚且如此,可想而知,剛從法律學院出來的人,面對競爭之烈。另一個理由是藉此跟新入行的朋友溝通一下,讓我掌握一下他們的工作狀況,當我再寫小說,也能反映實況。時光流逝,這種溝通也能夠喚起往事點滴,填補一些失去的記憶。

"I hope you do not find this email absurd. I wish to thank you for writing an excellent blog which I have benefited so much by visiting it from time to time. Honestly, the practical legal knowledge I learn from your blog definitely exceeds since I commence my legal studies around 10 years ago (fyi, I am a baby barrister and was only called to the bar XXX). Allow me to say, both you and 山中 are 高手之中的高手, 高人之中的高人。

In fact, I find your novel 襲警 full of wisdom. This must be due to your immense legal and judicial experiences. On the evening I first read this novel, I encounter the exact same issue as stated in the following paragraph when I acted as a baby fiat in the XXX Magistracy earlier on that day. The defendant was acquitted because of the inconsistency of evidence given by 2 PWs (both of them were lay witnesses).

「法官閣下,控方有六個證人,我打算傳召三個,另外三個我不打算傳召,若果張律師需要,我可以傳召他們給張律師盤問。」Tender for cross examination,是控方保障自己,避免辯方批評不傳召證人的做法。傳召證人宣誓後告訴他們目的是給辯方盤問,自己無需由頭到尾引導他們作供,可省卻證供不必要的重複。最重要是證人越多,證供出入越大,有時索性不作主問examination in chief,任由辯方盤問,有需要才覆問re-examine。周禮晁一早已盤算好這件案的處理方法。

Also what you state in the following paragraph is utter truth:

大律師可慘了,突然工作量大減,倒霉的甚至一個月只有一天半裁判法院的當值律師做,做一天只賺4500 元。不知就裏的人以為大律師很風光,環境差的時候,租都沒錢交,靠信用咭度日。還有那行頭,西裝皮箱,加一本Archbold,全部都花費不菲。Archbold 幾年一新版,越來越貴,幾年之間已漲到3000 多元一本,這刑事案的權威典籍又不能不置。賴福生做了幾年大狀,不是味兒。自己過於正直,不肯和師爺飲酒跳舞,自然生意不多。經過多番考慮,他決定申請做法官。以前做法官最少要35 歲,接近97 甚麽都本地化,司法機構也希望吸納本地律師做法官,所以降低年齡至30 歲,並開始委任暫委裁判官來試工。

But since your write up, the brief fee for duty lawyer/ counsel onfiat in the magistracy decreases to less than HK$3,000 a day and Archbold already increases to HK$7,500 for a copy.

The paragraph followed also reminds me a bit of legal history of Hong Kong in the late 80's / early 90's. At that time, if I understand correctly, all the magistrates and district court judges were under the management of
the Registrar of the High Court.

I still remember there was a plague that engraved the names of all the Registrar of the Supreme Court right next to the plague that engraved the name of all the Chief Justice of Hong Kong on the G/F of the then Supreme Court Building before 1997.

I believe the power of the Registrar was only curtailed by the creation of post Judiciary Administrator/ Chief District Judge/Chief Magistrate in around 1993/ 94


There are so much I wish to discuss with you but I rather not to bother you now. I just have 2 comments that I wish to add at this stage:

1. While the post of Special Magistrate may exist earlier, I believe it was only officially created in Jan 1990:


2. I still think Justice of the Peace before the handover did have judicial power (whether they exercised the power is another issue). The reason is the Justice of Peace Ordinance was only enacted in 1997 and prior to that, the Justice of Peace Act 1361 was applied to Hong Kong by virtue of the Application of English Law Ordinance (Cap. 88). As we know, in England and Wales, a bench of justice of peace exercises the power of a magistrate.

Again, many thanks for writing the excellent blog for the benefits of the public (including me), and do allow me to write to you in future."

7 則留言:

  1. How come they don't write me? I don't bite. Well, sometimes I bite, but that does not happen very often.

    1. That is simple. Your teeth are weapon of mass destruction. My ones are weapon of creation. Your teeth are sharp and mine are blunt.

      Just kidding.

      Your issues are difficult to discuss. I only engage in practical and simple matters in daily life so I am more approachable. Politicians will not ask you for help but defendants will ask me to throw them a lifeline. Lawyers speak to me to argue their view point. You engage in the whirlpool of political controversy. It has nothing to do with your biting once in a blue moon.

  2. By the way, the brief of $3000 a day is an error. D meant to say it is for a half day appearance.

  3. 唔係啊,我係後悔大學冇揀到法律,但唔係後悔冇做到律師或冇入到行。唔.. 我知這有點令人難明,因為我後來都讀了個external LLB,若不為入行,只為興趣,幾時讀應該都冇所謂。但其實是有點分別,因為19-22歲仍是吸收知識的黃金時期,我當年主修科太HEA了,感覺讀完三年腦袋都空空的,思維鍛鍊太倒退,像中斷、停滯了整整三年。到畢業後數年,開始重拾書本,一邊工作、一邊修法律(還要是London U 那種只靠自己,沒有定期小測、功課keep住/幫助自己理解的學習模式),感覺像事半功倍,而我知道,很多法律概念,我是學到半桶水。時間應用在刀口上,我只覺得,如果大學時期,我有揀到這科令我'得著較多'的科目(讀英國人的東西,才知法律貫穿哲學、政治、倫理、土地、家庭價值 etc,視野開了,可惜當年讀中七的我不知道..),我會讀得較開心。

    律師呢行,競爭激烈,自97後薪金不高,而大律師僅是自僱人士..這些我是知道的..不過好似這幾年市道好了些...其實問題是,捱得過呢科都係clever minds,有點精英制,競爭自然大,同埋會較judgmental..

    anyway,向後看係冇用的,向前望才是路。有時是做個行,厭個行(但你應該唔係,哈),我仍有興趣,可能是因為我仍是在外面探頭 :)

  4. 更正﹕ 應是事倍功半。

    1. Selina,

      Sorry to have mistaken your meaning. I idled for many years too. I really love what I did. Court work is full of fun. I can only read judgements and project some imagination into it. I re-started reading appeal judgements a few years ago and my writing life has just started. I enjoy writing, cooking and playing badminton. Don't look back in anger.

  5. "新牌仔/女"真的很難挨,尤以小弟此等出道數年,半途出家和名不經傳的小律師。。。小弟今年贏了兩單上報官司 (duty lawyer cases) ,滿心以為可以打點名堂,可以靠自己獨當一面,但現實是收費照舊case 卻越來越 "啃"... 如果唔係讀law 想幫人,真係混不到糊口, Archold 7500, Bruce & Mccoy 每年 5000,重有牌費保險等等
